Media, Entertainment & Telecommunications

At PRCP, we advise the media, content creators and producers, telecommunications service providers and service operators in digital environments.

In the field of media, our multidisciplinary team has advised on content distribution at all levels, including print media, satellite transmission, cable, internet, as well as different broadcasters, adapting and offering creative and innovative alternatives for the services and technologies that our clients have rolled out. Such work has included advising on regulatory and competition issues before the Peruvian authorities, involving the implementation of new technologies that benefits users.

In the area of ​​content and entertainment, we provide assistance to national and international agents in negotiating broadcast rights for the most highly viewed global events. Likewise, we provide comprehensive advisory services relating to the administration and licensing of rights in the entire production chain of said content (including the distribution of rights and royalties), as well as for its local and international broadcasting. Likewise, we regularly represent clients before Peruvian authorities in disputes concerning the protection of their intellectual and industrial property and have extensive experience in negotiating rights and resolving disputes with different national collective management organizations that represent holders of copyright and related rights.

In the field of telecommunications, our team has experience in the public and private sector, advising telecommunications, energy, and mining companies in the implementation of their projects and in their interactions with national authorities on regulatory matters, inspections and obtaining telecommunications licenses and concessions. We have successfully advised and sponsored clients in a wide range of matters, including connectivity issues, radio spectrums, networks, data centers, infrastructure, and technologies, among others. We also have experience advising companies with services rendered through digital environments.

“Thanks to their knowledge and experience, Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez Abogados always offer solutions that are well aligned with the local standards.”

Chambers Latin America 2024


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