At PRCP, our lawyers have extensive experience in the analytical and regulatory aspects of competition law. We cover a wide range of economic sectors, such as energy, oil and gas, telecommunications, financial services, health, pharmaceuticals, construction, transportation, new technologies, retail, education, automotive, aeronautics, food and beverages, maritime and personal care products, among others.
Consistently ranked as the best Competition and Antitrust practice in Peru, we are proud of our unparalleled track record. We have successfully advised and represented numerous clients in major administrative sanctioning procedures and leniency processes in matters of free competition. Our experience covers issues such as price collusion (domestic and international), restrictive practices, unjustified refusals to deal, excessive pricing, implementation of strategic barriers to entry, and exclusivity agreements.
We are recognized for our expertise in merger control. We have advised national and international companies in the main processes of prior authorization of concentrations, both under the current general regime and under the previous special regime for the electricity sector. We develop, coordinate and execute strategies together with our corporate teams and with firms in the main global markets, achieving successful results for our clients.
“They strike a fair balance between legal considerations and our business vision.”
Chambers Latin America 2025
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