Corporate / Mergers & Acquisitions
Our practice in corporate law, cornerstone in the development of the firm, houses a group of recognized experts in advising each and every phase of a corporation’s development.
PRCP represents a wide range of local and international companies, private equity firms and financial promoters, investment banks and other institutions and individuals in mergers, acquisitions and corporate transactions, across the spectrum of industries.
Our attorneys regularly advise on the implementation and organization of corporate vehicles (incorporation procedures, corporate organization in general and corporate governance) and in the execution of its commercial activities (civil and commercial aspects in general), accompanying our clients in their most important processes and transactions (mergers and acquisitions) as well as in their most critical phases (asset restructuring).
Our frequent participation in the market’s most relevant transnational and cross-border transactions in the fields of mergers and acquisitions, spin-offs, transfer of assets, takeovers, among others, provides us with the knowledge and experience necessary to offer our clients the best possible and innovative solutions, from a commercial, tax and regulatory viewpoint, with international standards of quality.
Considered as one of the leading mergers and acquisitions practices in the country, our lawyers have a deep knowledge of both the legislation and local practice, as well as the standards required by the legal and business community of the different international financial centers.
“They have deep legal knowledge and are shrewd negotiators. They are a quality team that delivers an impeccable service.”
Chambers Latin America 2025
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