Kelina Quispe
Specialized Adviser
Kelina is a Specialized Adviser in the development of infrastructure projects under the Works for Taxes scheme.
She has more than six years of experience between the public and private sectors. Prior to joining the firm, she has worked as a Legal Assistant for the National Library of Peru and the National Program for Family Welfare – INABIF.
More information
- Undergraduate, Law and Political Science, Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
- Course in Public Management at SIAF – SIGA, INCLEP Professional Business Training Institute, 2018
- Training in Methodologies for the Design of Job Profiles applicable to Regimes other than Law No. 30057 – Civil Service Law, SERVIR, 2016
- Course of Disciplinary Regime and Sanctioning Procedure of Law No. 30057 – Civil Service Law, SERVIR, 2016
- Diploma in Administrative Law, Peruvian Center for Government Studies CEPEG, 2015
- Seminar in Public Management, Institute of Training and Training and Commerce of Peru INFOCAP, 2012
Publications and News
Alerta Informativa – Vence plazo para presentar el Informe Ambiental Anual de las Actividades de Hidrocarburos
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Client Memo – Día mundial de los derechos de los consumidores: conoce las tendencias y cambios clave en la jurisprudencia del INDECOPI
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Asesoramos a Scotiabank en la venta de CrediScotia Financiera S.A. a Banco Santander
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Infografía – Pago de utilidades
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Lexambient@l – Amplían el plazo para concluir el proceso de transferencia de funciones de fiscalización ambiental del MINSA al OEFA
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Client Memo – INDECOPI ordena por primera vez como medida correctiva la implementación de un Programa de Cumplimiento normativo en materia de protección al consumidor
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