Mauricio Almonte
Principal Associate
Mauricio is a Principal Associate of the firm, specializing in labor law, labor procedural law and work health and safety regulations.
More information
- ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Auditor, CQI-IRCA (2020)
- Labor Law Graduate Program, Universidad de Salamanca (Spain), 2018
- Oral Litigation Course, California Western School of Law (San Diego, USA), 2016
- Licensed in Law, Universidad Católica San Pablo, 2014
- LL.B., Universidad Católica San Pablo, 2014
Admitted to the Bar
- Callao, 2015
- Various articles on labor law in different journals
- Teaching Assistant of Labor Law, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola
- Teaching Assistant of Labor Law, Universidad de Lima