Government enacts regulations regarding the new Accelerated Refinancing Procedure

Supreme Decree No. 102-2020-PCM (the “Regulation”), published on June 7, 2020, provides the rules and regulations for the recently created Accelerated Refinancing Procedure (the “Accelerated Procedure”), which allows debtors and creditors to agree on a refinancing plan to reprogram the due dates on debt obligations. The Regulation specifies that the Accelerated Procedure is a pre-evaluation…

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Guidelines for Competition Law Compliance Programs

On June 3rd 2020, the Guidelines for Competition Law Compliance Programs (the “Guidelines”) were approved by the Commission for the Defense of Free Competition (the “Commission”) of the National Institute for the Defense of Free Competition and the Protection of Intellectual Property (Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la…

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Guidelines for the Monitoring, Prevention and Health Screening of Workers at Risk of Exposure to COVID-19

On April 29th 2020, Ministerial Resolution 239-2020-MINSA was published, which approved the Technical Document “Guidelines for the monitoring, prevention and health screening of workers at risk of exposure to COVID-19 “. On May 8th, 2020, these Guidelines were modified by Ministerial Resolution 265-2020-MINSA. In addition, On May 10th, 2020, Supreme Decree 83-2020-PCM was published to…

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