Liliana Pautrat
Liliana is Counsel of the firm, specializing in mining law. She has extensive experience in the diagnosis and development of important mining projects of domestic and foreign companies mining, regulatory, and environmental matters. Her solid advice allows for investment decisions to be made, ensuring compliance with requirements and obligations, avoiding contingencies and sanctions.
She provides advice on complex issues related to the execution of mining activities of exploration, exploitation, processing, and transportation, in the pre-operational, development, operational and closure stages. She also complements her legal practice with the understanding of technical, operational, multidisciplinary, and transversal issues, which allows for planning, obtaining qualifying titles and environmental certifications, as well as the accreditation of compliance.
Liliana was President and Member of the Mining Council of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Court of last administrative mining instance. In addition, she was General Director of Legal Counsel and General Director of the Office of Mining Concessions and Registries at the Public Mining Registry (currently INGEMMET). She was also President of the National Institute of Mining, Petroleum and Energy Law (INDEMIPE). Currently, she is an active member of the Environmental Committee and Water Committee of the National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy (SNMPE).
- Diploma in Strategic Management of Mining Companies, Universidad del Pacífico, 2013
- Finance and Business Law Program for Lawyers, ESAN University, 2001
- Master’s Degree in Civil and Commercial Law, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 1992
- LL. B., Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 1989
Admitted to the Bar
- Lima, 1989
- World Initiative of Mining Lawyer (WOIML)
- The Foundation for Natural Resources and Energy Law (FNREL)
- Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC)
- International Bar Association (IBA)
- Institute of Mining Engineers of Peru (IIMP)
- Professor of the Pre-Degree course “Mining, Oil and Gas Law”, Faculty of Mining, Oil and Gas Law at the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)