collective damages claims

David Kuroiwa, our Senior Associate specialist in Competition Law, analyzed for Latin Lawyer the recent guidelines published by Indecopi related to compensation for damages caused to consumers as a result of anticompetitive conduct.  

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Draft Modifying the Personal Data Regulation is Published for Public Comments in Peru

The National Authority for the Protection of Personal Data (or “ANPDP” in Spanish) published a draft which addresses several modifications to the current Regulation of Law No. 29733, Personal Data Protection Law. Learn more:  

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Emergency Decree 038-2020, that establishes complementary measures to mitigate the economic effects on employees and employers caused by COVID-19

In the last few weeks, our government enacted diverse measures to mitigate and reduce COVID’s-19 economic and social impact. However, companies felt that there was a lack of labor measures intended to preserve employment and that the government was taking too long to issue measures aimed at avoiding an economic crisis throughout the different industries.…

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