The Supervisory Agency of Investment in Energy and Mining mandates the creation of an External Meeting Log and amends the COVID-19 State of Emergency Supervision Protocol

June 15, 2020 On June 13th, The Supervisory Agency of Investment in Energy and Mining (Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Energía y Minería – OSINERGMIN), issued Board of Directors’ Resolutions 65-2020-OS/CD and 66-2020-OS/CD. First, Resolution 65-2020-OS/CD created the External Meetings Log (Agenda de Reuniones Externas), which mandates the registration and recording of meetings between…

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The Supervisory Agency of Investment in Energy and Mining mandates the creation of an External Meeting Log and amends the COVID-19 State of Emergency Supervision Protocol

On June 13th, The Supervisory Agency of Investment in Energy and Mining (Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en Energía y Minería – OSINERGMIN), issued Board of Directors’ Resolutions 65-2020-OS/CD and 66-2020-OS/CD. First, Resolution 65-2020-OS/CD created the External Meetings Log (Agenda de Reuniones Externas), which mandates the registration and recording of meetings between representatives from regulated…

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The Tax Administration Authority Approved the Use of Discretionary Powers by Certain Customs Intendancies to Not Initiate Proceedings or Sanctions on Certain Customs Infractions

Due to the extension of the National State of Emergency and the migration from a full to a localized social isolation in the regions of Arequipa, Ica, Junín, Huánuco, San Martín, Madre de Dios and Ancash, Superintendent Resolution N°013-2020-SUNAT/300000 (the “Resolution”) was published on July 5, 2020. Under this Resolution, the Tax Administration Authority (Superintendencia…

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