Mario Reggiardo, Mayra Bryce and Jorge Luis Morelli collaborated on the Chambers Global Practice Guide 2019: «International Arbitration»

Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez Abogados has once again collaborated with Chambers and Partners on the «Chambers Global Practice Guide 2019: International Arbitration». The guide gathers articles and legal commentary from global experts on arbitration matters. In this edition Partner Mario Reggiardo, Principal Associate Mayra Bryce and Associate Jorge Luis Morelli, specialists in Dispute Resolution, comment on the prevalence of…

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Mayra Bryce collaborated on the Chambers Global Practice Guide: «International Arbitration»

Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez Abogados has once again collaborated with Chambers and Partners on the «Chambers Global Practice Guide 2018: International Arbitration». The guide gathers articles and legal commentary from global experts on Anti-Corruption practices. In this edition, Principal Associate Mayra Bryce, a specialist in Dispute Resolution and Arbitration, comments in the aforementioned edition about…

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New Accelerated Refinancing Procedure

Legislative Decree No. 1511, published on May 11th, 2020, created the Accelerated Refinancing Procedure (the “Accelerated Procedure”), an administrative procedure allowing debtors and creditors to agree on a Refinancing Plan (the “Plan”) to reprogram the due dates on debt obligations. The Accelerated Procedure was enacted to prevent debtors from becoming insolvent, to prevent loss of…

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