Gerardo Soto y Mayra Aguirre collaborated on the Chambers Global Practice Guide 2019: «Alternative Energy & Power»

Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez Abogados has once again collaborated with Chambers and Partners on the «Chambers Global Practice Guide 2019: Alternative Energy & Power». The guide gathers articles and legal commentary from global experts on litigation matters. In this edition, Partner Gerardo Soto and Principal Associate Mayra Aguirre, specialists in Public Law and Regulated Industries, comment on the general…

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Giancarlo Baella collaborated with Industria Legal on the article: “Sobre la propuesta del INDECOPI para regular el comercio electrónico”

Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez Abogados has once again collaborated in the third edition of the Industria Legal magazine. In this edition, Principal Associate Giancarlo Baella, a specialist in Competition and Privacy & Personal Data Protection, wrote the article: “Sobre la propuesta del INDECOPI para regular el comercio electrónico”. In this article, Giancarlo provides details about…

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Government enacts regulations regarding the new Accelerated Refinancing Procedure

June 8, 2020   Supreme Decree No. 102-2020-PCM (the “Regulation”), published on June 7, 2020, provides the rules and regulations for the recently created Accelerated Refinancing Procedure (the “Accelerated Procedure”), which allows debtors and creditors to agree on a refinancing plan to reprogram the due dates on debt obligations. The Regulation specifies that the Accelerated…

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