The Tax Administration Authority Approved the Use of Discretionary Powers by Certain Customs Intendancies to Not Initiate Proceedings or Sanctions on Certain Customs Infractions

Due to the extension of the National State of Emergency and the migration from a full to a localized social isolation in the regions of Arequipa, Ica, Junín, Huánuco, San Martín, Madre de Dios and Ancash, Superintendent Resolution Nº013-2020-SUNAT/300000 (the “Resolution“) was published on July 5, 2020. Under this Resolution, the Tax Administration Authority (Superintendencia…

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Vanessa Chávarry and Johanna Romero collaborated on the Chambers Global Practice 2019 Guide: «Environmental Law»

Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez Abogados has once again collaborated with Chambers and Partners on the «Chambers Global Practice Guide 2019: Environmental Law». The guide gathers articles and legal commentary from global experts on Environmental Law practices. In this edition, Counsel Vanessa Chávarry and Associate Johanna Romero, specialists in Environmental Law, comment on the regulatory framework, environmental impact assessment…

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Vanessa Watanabe collaborated on the Chambers Global Practice Guide 2019: «Corporate Tax»

Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez Abogados has once again collaborated with Chambers and Partners on the «Chambers Global Practice Guide 2019: Corporate Tax». The guide gathers articles and legal commentary from global experts on Tax Law practices. In this edition, Partner Vanessa Watanabe, a specialist in Tax Law, comments on about the types of business entities that are commonly…

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