Reactiva Perú loans are excluded from Accelerated Refinancing Procedure

On July 9, 2020, the Government published Emergency Decree 082-2020 which, among other matters, establishes that loans under the Reactiva Perú Program cannot be subject to refinancing or restructuring through the Accelerated Refinancing Procedure (Procedimiento Acelerado de Refinanciación Concursal – PARC), or any other bankruptcy procedure, until December 31, 2020. The Reactiva Perú Program was…

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Superintendency of the Securities Market issues rules to call and carry out virtual meetings for trusts, investment funds, committees and other collegiate bodies of supervised entities

Resolution No. 52-2020-SMV/02 (the “Resolution”), published on June 19th, 2020, sets forth the regulations for virtual meetings for: (i) beneficiaries of trusts, (ii) investors of investment funds, (iii) committees and (iii) other collegiate bodies of entities authorized and supervised by the Superintendency of the Securities Market (Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores – “SMV”). The Resolution…

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Superintendency of the Securities Market issues rules to call and carry out virtual shareholder and bondholder meetings under Emergency Decree N° 056-2020

Through Superintendent Resolution N° 050-2020-SMV/02 (the “Resolution”) published on June 4, 2020, the Superintendency of the Securities Market (Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores – “SMV”) approved the rules to call and hold virtual shareholder and bondholder meetings. Article 5 of Emergency Decree N° 056-2020 exceptionally allows entities under the jurisdiction of the SMV to call…

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